Over 80% Of What Your Child Learns in School is Presented Visually. When Was Their Last Eye Exam?
When it comes to their eyes, kids really struggle articulating challenges that they face. As adults it seems natural that we would reach out to a professional if our vision was getting blurry around the edges, but a child may not know anything different. A comprehensive eye exam is the best way to have a clear and accurate perspective on the state of your child’s ocular health.
25% of school-age kids need corrective lenses. With the prevalence of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices with screens attached to them, the rate of vision deficiency among children is increasing. We even see some kids about their digital eye strain.
Since the vast majority of what your child will learn in school is presented visually, you’d be surprised how many once-struggling children thrive once they wear corrective lenses. Many people are surprised by this fact- we think it makes perfect sense. Imagine the difficulty in learning and understanding something completely new without being able to clearly see it.
Young children and infants are the most likely to require vision therapy. Vision therapy – a series of tests, exercises, and equipment worn to improve visual acuity – is an effective non-surgical way to correct strabismus (eye turn) and accommodation (focusing) problems.
If it has been more than a year since your child’s last eye exam, please request an appointment to schedule one for a day and time of your convenience.
More Information About Eye Exams for Kids
Kids should have eye exams at the following intervals:
Many school eye or vision screenings test only Acuity-Distance (clarity of sight in the distance). A child’s comprehensive eye examination should include testing of the following visual skills, all of which are important aspects of normal, healthy human vision:
While your child may not need to worry about age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or cataracts, we do need to remain vigilant and attentive to their eye care. Conditions common in kids: